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Tips To Get Rid Of Bags Under Your Eyes


Bags under the eyes are one of the most common signs of aging that people experience. They can make you look tired or sick, and they’re often hereditary (meaning if your parents had them, then there’s a good chance you will too). Luckily there are several ways to get rid of bags under your eyes! Here are some tips for how to take care of those pesky bugs!

Take Care Of Your Stress Levels

Stress can contribute to a multitude of issues, including bags under your eyes! If you’re having trouble sleeping at night or have been feeling anxious lately, take some time out for yourself to find something that helps reduce those feelings – whether it’s writing in a journal, meditating, or doing yoga! Just make sure you give yourself enough downtime so that when you do go back to bed at night then are able to rest properly.

Take A Look At Your Food Choices

While you may love chocolate, this doesn’t mean it’s doing great things for the appearance of those under-eye bags. In fact, dairy products seem to be one of the biggest culprits behind puffiness and swelling! So try cutting down on foods that are high in fat or grease-like cheese or fried foods – as well as diary-based items such as milk and cream if reducing these types of food is possible. You can also try switching to decaffeinated beverages altogether since caffeine is another known cause for waking up with puffy eyes each morning.

Make Sure To Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes

Along with smoking, one of the biggest causes behind puffiness and swollen-looking under-eye bags is from rubbing them throughout the day. Try keeping your hands away from this area as much as possible – even if you’re just blotting or using a tissue! And be sure to go easy when applying makeup around these areas since it can also lead to irritation which adds on more swelling.

Cut Back On Alcohol

Although it can be tempting to wind down with a glass of wine or two at the end of each day since this is an easy stress reliever, studies have actually found that alcohol consumption may lead to more puffiness under our eyes than usual – especially in women! So if you find yourself waking up with puffy eyes after drinking on most days for weeks then try cutting back until they go away. And don’t forget about all those other potential side effects from excessive drinking including weight gain and worsened sleep quality too!

Get Some Exercise

Exercise is known to reduce stress, help you sleep better at night, and improve your overall appearance. It also seems to benefit the health of under-eye bags! A study found that when people with chronic eye bags exercised for about an hour each day then they saw a significant reduction in their symptoms within just two weeks – so it’s definitely worth making time for if possible.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

Sleeping is a great way to reduce stress and give our bodies the time it needs to recover from anything that’s been bothering them. And while many only think about sleep in terms of health benefits for their skin, hair, nails, etc., it can also be important for reducing under-eye bags! Try going to bed earlier each night if possible – even just 30 minutes earlier than usual since one study found those who slept five hours or less per night actually saw an increase in symptoms like puffiness compared with those sleeping seven hours each night. So try hitting the hay at least six hours before you need to wake up and see what kind of difference it could make when getting rid of your eye bags!

Use A Cool Compress

Puffy eyes can be caused by too much salt in our diets so if you find yourself feeling more puffed up than usual then try soothing them with something cold – whether it’s refrigerated potatoes, chilled cucumbers, or even cold white rice wrapped inside a soft cloth. Just leave it on for about five minutes at a time until the swelling reduces! Or you could always just out into the cold since spending some time outside in the fresh air also do wonders.

Clean Your Makeup Brushes

One of the worst culprits behind puffy eyes is actually something that most don’t even think about – and that’s unclean makeup brushes! Over time, these can accumulate a lot of bacteria which leads to irritation around this sensitive area leading to more swelling than usual. That’s why it’s recommended you clean them on a regular basis if possible with antibacterial soap or shampoo before rinsing thoroughly and allowing them to dry overnight at room temperature. And try cleaning two times per week as well as after each use for maximum results!

Drink More Water

Since dehydration is known for causing swollen eyes among so many other symptoms – from headaches to dry skin – try increasing your daily intake if you find yourself waking up with puffy eyes each day. In fact, try drinking at least eight glasses a day (or 64 ounces) since one study found those who drank five cups or more each week were able to see a significant difference in their puffiness around the eyes over six months compared to those who barely drank any.

Use A Humidifier

If you find yourself feeling puffy eyes in the winter when there is less moisture in the air, then try using a cool-mist or warm-mist humidifier to add some extra moisture back into your room each night before bedtime. Studies have even found that it can help reduce dry eye symptoms as well since this product keeps our eyes from being too irritated and also boosts tear production so we don’t feel so dehydrated!

Wear Sunscreen Outside

While many people swear by using lemon juice or vinegar under the eyes to reduce puffiness, one of the biggest causes behind this symptom is actually not protecting our skin against UV rays in general. So try wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 each day if possible – even when it’s cloudy out! Just make sure you reapply every few hours (at least once after sweating) since sunburns can also lead to swelling around these delicate areas as well.

Avoid Caffeine Afternoon

If cutting out caffeinated beverages completely is a little too tough for you to do, try limiting your caffeine intake either by the time of day or amount. It’s recommended that women shouldn’t have more than 200 milligrams per day (about two cups) while men shouldn’t go over 300 mg each day (around three cups). So if you’re drinking about four cups a day, then aim to cut back on one.


Luckily, there are plenty of natural tips and tricks out there that can help reduce puffiness around the eyes each morning.  After trying these, most people report seeing a significant improvement in their eye bags! So try testing them all to see what works best for you – before heading off to sleep tonight!