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Top Foods To Help Lower Cholesterol


Are you looking to lower your cholesterol naturally? Do you want to avoid the side effects of medications like Zocor and Lipitor? One way that can help lower cholesterol is through diet. Diet has been found to be more effective than medication in many cases, but it’s important to also look at other lifestyle factors as well. This article will discuss how these things all play a role in lowering your cholesterol levels!

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an essential molecule that your body uses to produce hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. It’s also important for the formation of cell membranes in all parts of your body! However, according to recent studies, too much cholesterol can lead to plaque build-up on artery walls, which results in atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease.

When you have high levels of LDL (low-density lipoproteins), this causes more buildup than HDL (high-density lipoproteins). There are different kinds of fats with different types having varying effects on health; trans fat is considered one type, while monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are better options for cardiovascular health. A high in saturated fat and trans fat diet can lead to high cholesterol levels.

The Top Foods to Help Lower Cholesterol:

Olive Oil

A recent study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that olive oil may help reduce bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol! Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat and has been shown to improve lipid profiles, among other health benefits. Try using olive oil as your primary cooking oil or adding it to salads for a healthy boost. You can also take olive leaf extract supplements if you don’t like the taste of olives themselves. If you are looking to increase your intake of olive oil, you should be aware that it contains 120 calories per tablespoon.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is another excellent way to help lower cholesterol levels because omega-three fatty acids have been shown to decrease triglyceride production in the body! It also helps improve other risk factors for cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure and heart rate.

Try taking fish oil supplements or eating more fish if possible; certain kinds contain higher amounts of healthy fats than others, so make sure you look at labels carefully before purchasing any food products containing them. Non-fatty fishes such as sardines, mackerels, herrings, anchovies, etc., provide a lot of protein along with their fat profile which can keep you fuller for longer and help with weight loss in the long term.

Pumpkin Seeds

These little seeds are packed full of healthy nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and omega-three fatty acids! Magnesium is important for maintaining normal blood pressure levels and can also help to prevent headaches, muscle cramps, and anxiety. Zinc is necessary for a strong immune system and has been shown to help improve cholesterol levels.

Omega-three fatty acids have already been mentioned as being beneficial for reducing triglyceride production; all of these nutrients work together to make pumpkin seeds a powerful food when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels. Try snacking on pumpkin seeds instead of unhealthy junk foods or snacks high in saturated fat! They’re an especially good choice if you’re craving something savory and salty.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits like grapefruits, oranges, apples, pears, etc., contain lots of fiber which can help to lower cholesterol levels as well as reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease! Fiber also adds bulk to your stool which can improve digestion; eating more fruits will help you stay fuller for longer due to their high water content too.

Try adding berries into your diets, such as blueberries or blackberries if you haven’t already, as they’re full of antioxidants that support health in many different ways, including helping with heart health. Green vegetables are another great option for lowering cholesterol because they contain no saturated fat but provide a lot of nutrients instead. Leafy greens like kale and spinach have been shown to decrease cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol. Try adding a side of vegetables to your dinner or throwing them into a smoothie for an easy way to incorporate more healthy foods into your diet!


Eating these little protein-packed snacks is another quick and simple way to lower bad LDL cholesterol as well as raise the level of good HDL cholesterol! Nuts are high in monounsaturated fat, so they’re great at reducing triglyceride production, too; this makes nuts a heart-healthy snack that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere without worrying about going over on calorie intake.

Some examples of types of nuts include almonds, macadamia nuts, peanuts, etc., but there are many others out there, too, which all have their own health benefits like cashews or pine nuts. Try snacking on a handful of raw, unsalted nuts if you’re looking for an easy way to incorporate some heart-healthy foods into your diet!


Oats contain lots of fiber which can help with lowering cholesterol levels as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease; they provide slow-release energy throughout the day, too, so make sure you include them in your breakfast each morning if possible! Oat bran is another healthy food that’s also known to lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations due to its soluble fiber content; it works by binding bile acids together that are produced during digestion, then excreting them from the body more quickly.

You might need to experiment with oat bran depending on how it makes you feel, as some people experience gastrointestinal issues like bloating and diarrhea when eating a lot of oat bran. If this is the case for you, try incorporating other high-fiber foods into your diet instead until your body gets used to more fiber.


Soybeans are known as “complete” proteins because they contain all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce independently. These little beans also have cholesterol-lowering benefits due to their high polyunsaturated fat content; in addition, soybeans are packed with antioxidants which help protect the heart from damage. Try swapping out meat for soybean products like tofu or tempeh at least once a week to reduce harmful cholesterol levels and improve heart health!


If you’re looking for some easy ways to start lowering your cholesterol levels, try incorporating some of these top foods into your diet. These are all healthy, delicious options that are easy to add to your routine without too much fuss. Start with one or two and see how you feel; if you find that they positively impact your cholesterol levels, then try adding more!