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Top Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a term for an eating pattern that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. It doesn’t specify which foods you should eat, but rather when you should eat them. There are several different intermittent fasting methods, all of which involve splitting the day or week into times where you eat and times where you fast. The most common way to do it is to fast for 16 hours each day and then eat during an 8-hour window. With the rise in popularity of this diet, it’s good to know the benefits you can receive from it. So this article will take a look at the top benefits of intermittent fasting!

Lose Weight

One of the most obvious benefits is that intermittent fasting allows you to lose weight. Because it requires you to reduce the amount of incoming food, your body will start burning fat cells for energy. Since you are also limiting when you eat, it keeps your metabolism elevated longer into the day. This means that even when you are eating, your body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate. These two factors combined make it much easier for your body to lose weight when you are intermittent fasting.

Improves Energy

Another great benefit is that intermittent fasting will increase your energy levels throughout the day. Energy is derived from usable forms of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your body. Since you are only eating for eight hours each day while intermittent fasting, the food you are eating will be broken down more efficiently. There are fewer foods competing to be used as fuel for your body, so you will have a steady supply of energy. This also means that the food you do eat works harder for your muscles and organs. Which can lead to an overall improvement in health.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Another great benefit of intermittent fasting is that it will lower your blood pressure. This is beneficial because it lowers your risk of various cardiovascular diseases. It does this by changing the way your body reacts to insulin, as carbohydrates and sugars cause a higher spike in blood pressure. When you eat these foods frequently or in large amounts, it can lead to chronic high blood pressure. But when you only eat for eight hours at a time while intermittently fasting, you are giving your body a chance to recover from the insulin spike. Over time, this will help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of many cardiovascular diseases.

Lowers Cholesterol

During digestion, your body produces cholesterol. When you are eating all day long, it continues to produce more and more cholesterol. But when you only eat for 8 hours each day while intermittently fasting, your body doesn’t have so much food to digest. The food that is eaten during the eight-hour window will be broken down and used as fuel or stored as fat, but there won’t be much leftover to turn into cholesterol. This will cause your overall cholesterol levels to go down, which can reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is related to many diseases in the body, including arthritis and autoimmune disorders. When you intermittently fast, your body becomes more sensitive to the effects of insulin in your bloodstream. This means that if you have chronic low-level inflammation, intermittent fasting can help stop it in its tracks! It lowers blood sugar in the body, which reduces your overall insulin levels. This helps reduce inflammation because high levels of insulin promote it. When you reduce the chronic inflammation in your body, you can also reduce the risk of many different diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease!

Helps Your Cells Repair Themselves

All of the benefits listed above are great, but this one is very important. When you eat food frequently, your body doesn’t have time to repair itself. This means that it can’t get rid of toxins or fix things like worn-out tissue in the stomach. But when you only eat for 8 hours while intermittently fasting, it gives your body time to perform repairs. This can lead to a decrease in cancer cells over time because your body is getting rid of the toxins that cause cancer. Additionally, intermittent fasting helps slow down how quickly your cells age, which means you will look and feel younger!

Benefits Your Brain

Many people don’t realize that what they eat affects their brain. When you eat large amounts of carbohydrates and sugars, your body produces more dopamine. This is the chemical that makes you feel happy, but it isn’t good for your brain. Excess dopamine can damage neurons in your brain, which leads to decreased cognitive function. While you may not notice the effects of excess dopamine for years, it does cause brain damage in the long-term. However, when you only eat for eight hours while intermittently fasting, your body will produce less dopamine and there won’t be excess to damage your cells. This will protect your brain over time and reduce the risk of developing various neurological disorders.

Increases HGH Levels

Human growth hormone (HGH) is important because it helps your cells grow. When you are eating frequently, your body doesn’t have much time to use that food for anything else. However, when you only eat for 8 hours while intermittently fasting, your body can spend more time producing HGH. This is helpful because HGH can help you burn calories, reduce belly fat, and increase muscle mass. Additionally, it has many benefits for your brain and heart because it keeps your cells producing more energy to work better overall.


Intermittent fasting is a health trend that has been growing in popularity over the last few years. But why? The benefits are endless! This article has provided you with some of the top benefits of fast, but there are so many more! So go out and do your own research to find out why intermittent fasting is one of the healthiest choices you can make! Like with most diets though, you should always check with your doctor before starting a fasting schedule to make sure this is a healthy fit for you.