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Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better

Lots of people struggle with sleeping. The consequences can be devastating, affecting everything from your mood to your immune system. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to get a better sleep. One of those ways that is not talked about as often is the food you eat. Below are some healthy, tasty options to help you sleep better.


Kiwi is a great fruit to eat before bed because it contains serotonin and melatonin. These two substances play an important role in regulating the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Eating kiwi can help you fall asleep faster and achieve a more restful sleep. It’s also low in calories and high in fiber, making it a good choice if you’re looking for something healthy to eat before bedtime.


Yogurt is also a great choice if you want something sweet before bedtime. This bead time treat contains tryptophan which helps produce serotonin and melatonin just like kiwi does. When your body produces more serotonin, it can lead to better sleep at night due to the calming effect that serotonin has on the brain. Lots of different flavored yogurts exist and they all can be part of a healthy diet and lifestyle before bedtime.


Bananas are a good source of magnesium which helps the body relax. Magnesium also helps improve sleep quality and duration. In addition to magnesium, bananas are a good source of potassium and vitamin B6 which also promote better sleep. Bananas are easy to digest and have a mild flavor. This makes them a good choice for a bedtime snack.


Oatmeal is a great breakfast food, but it can also be eaten as a bedtime snack. Another benefit is it high in fiber which means that it takes longer to digest. This will help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the night. Oatmeal also contains vitamin B6 and serotonin, which contribute to a good night’s sleep. Add some natural peanut butter to sweeten it up and make yourself a warm, satisfying snack before bed.


Almonds are not only yummy but they offer health benefits as well.  These nuts contain magnesium and potassium that calm the nervous system by counteracting stress hormones like cortisol. Having these two minerals in your body can help you with anxiety issues which may lead to difficulty sleeping at night. They also contain Vitamin B6 which stimulates GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) production, another chemical that helps induce sleepiness.


While turkey is often eaten for Thanksgiving, it can also be eaten as a bedtime snack. This food is a great source of tryptophan and it’s low in fat. When you eat foods high in tryptophan, they convert into serotonin which helps the body relax. Serotonin also plays a role in sleep regulation. Try eating some turkey slices or a turkey sandwich before bed to help you get a good night’s sleep.


Salmon is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to improve sleep quality and duration. Omega-3s help regulate your circadian rhythms, which are the 24-hour cycles that tell your body when it’s time to wake up and go to sleep. It can be challenging to cook salmon at night so another good option is wild salmon jerky. Just make sure not to eat too much or too close to bedtime because high amounts of protein may keep you awake for longer than desired.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are low in fat and loaded with complex carbohydrates and fiber which keep you satisfied throughout the night. They contain tryptophan as well as potassium and Vitamin B6 which help promote better sleep by increasing production of GABA within the brain. Even though sweet potatoes have a sweet flavor, they are a healthy snack to eat before bedtime.

Tart Cherries

Tart cherries are a good source of melatonin, the natural hormone that helps regulate sleep. In addition to being a source of melatonin, tart cherries also contain anthocyanins which are antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming tart cherries before bedtime can help you get a good night’s sleep and reduce inflammation throughout the body helping you feel better when you wake up!


Lettuce is a good source of magnesium and potassium which help the body relax. Magnesium also helps improve sleep quality and duration. In addition to magnesium, Vitamin B6 and a chemical called 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) which also helps to cause sleepiness. To assist you relax and get a good night’s sleep, eat some romaine lettuce before going to bed.


Honey is a natural sweetener that not only tastes good but also has health benefits.  One thing is it contains tryptophan and it’s low in sugar which makes it a good choice for a bedtime snack. Tryptophan helps the body convert into serotonin, which has a calming effect on the body. It also contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. Consuming honey before bedtime can help you get a good night’s sleep and improve your overall health!


Last but not least, chocolate is a food that many people enjoy eating before bedtime. Chocolate contains magnesium and theobromine which are substances that help the body relax. Always aim to eat chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa or more because it contains less sugar and more healthy substances that are good for you! Try having some chocolate milk before bedtime to help your body relax and get a better night’s sleep.


There are many different types of foods that you can eat before bedtime to help you sleep better. All of these foods contain substances that help the body relax and promote better sleep. If you are struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality, try incorporating some of these foods into your diet and see if you notice a difference!