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Should You Shower Every Day?


It’s a question that has long been debated. Is it really necessary to shower every day? The answer is not so simple. There are many factors that go into this decision. Such as the type of work you do, your environment and what you’re wearing. It can also depend on how much time you have in the morning or evening after a busy day at work. That time might be better spent doing other things like getting ready for bed or spending quality time with your family

When considering hygiene alone, it’s important to think about what our bodies produce each day. Sweat from exercise and oil from skin cells sloughing off during the course of an average day (and these substances can get trapped in clothes). While sweating and oils don’t pose a threat to your health, certain odors can indicate bacterial growth on the skin that may cause problems.

What Are The Health Impacts Of Showering Daily?

Showering Too Often Can Be Bad For Your Skin


Shower water can strip away important oils from skin and hair.  Using soap to cleanse your body is fine, but don’t overdo it or use hot water. That can leave your skin dry and irritated (and possibly cause a rash). Drying off thoroughly after every shower will help prevent irritations as well. Just be sure not to rub too hard with a towel! It also might be helpful to switch up the products you’re using on sensitive areas like your armpits or groin. If they are left exposed for long periods of time without protection, they can become itchy and red.

Over-showering Can Be Bad For Your Hair

Washing Hair

Depending on your hair type, over shampooing could cause damage to the scalp or strip away essential oils that help protect the strands of your hair.  This is especially true if you are using a product with harsh chemicals such as chlorine. These substances wear off the protective exterior layer in your hair known as the cuticle, leaving them open for further damage. If this is important to you, try not shower every day but instead wash just once or twice per week. This will reduce exposure to products like chlorine while giving oil glands time to do their job without being disrupted.

Daily Showering Can Cause Dry Skin

dry skin

As mentioned above, the skin can become irritated from hot water and over cleansing. If this is a problem for you, make sure you are using products that don’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances. These substances can strip away natural oils in your skin as well which further dries them out! It’s also important to remember not to towel off too roughly when drying yourself after showering. If needed use a soft cotton shirt instead of rough fabrics like terrycloth (although these will help remove excess oil).

Are There Reasons To Shower Every Day?

how shower

If you are an athlete, a professional worker or spend time outdoors in hot weather then showering daily might be the best option for you. Every day, your skin is trying to do its job. It needs water and oils from the outside environment in order to have healthy cells that work together as one living entity.  So when washing up after exercising or spending time outdoors during hot weather be sure not skip out on taking care of yourself by showering daily. Doing so can make a huge difference with protecting against problems such as acne breakouts, eczema outbreaks etcetera .

What Can You Do To Make Up For Not Showering Every Day?

On days when you don’t take a shower after work or during your morning routine there are other things you can do to stay fresh:

  • Wearing clean clothes every day will help eliminate odors caused by sweat and bacteria on clothes. It will also prevent them from mingling with any fragrances already present.
  • Using deodorant sprays as well as powders like arrowroot powder under arms can help reduce wetness while keeping you smelling fresh.
  • Keeping hands moisturized helps reduce odors that come from dehydrated hands, and regular hand washing. Washing with warm water and soap goes a long way.
  • You can also apply a mask of bentonite clay and activated charcoal to your face for 15 minutes once or twice a week. This will pull toxins from the skin as well as any odors that might be trapped within, revealing fresh new skin afterwards.
  • Lemon juice can also be applied directly to the armpits if you want to go “au natural”. The acidity of the lemon juice can help reduce sweat production, and kills some odor causing bacteria.


There are many variables that go into determining how often you should shower. Such as your skin type, body chemistry and lifestyle.  If possible try washing just once or twice per week to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. You need to give oils a chance to do their job! If this doesn’t work for you then consider switching up the products you use on sensitive areas like your armpits or groin. If they remain exposed for long periods of time without protection they could become irritated. Wearing clean clothes every day will help eliminate odors caused by sweat and bacteria. Using deodorant sprays/powders can keep you smelling fresh even when it’s too hot outside (or in) for regular showers!