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Natural Ways To Treat Sunburns


It’s summertime and everyone is spending time outside enjoying the sun. As you enjoy the sunshine, it’s important to take care of your skin so that you don’t get burned. If you do happen to get a burn, there are natural remedies that can help heal your skin quickly. Today we’ll talk about some ways to treat sunburn naturally! There are many natural ways to treat them. You may not have some of these things in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator so you might want to go out and get what you need before starting this process. However, we will provide alternatives if they are hard for you to find at your local grocery store.


Honey is antibacterial which means that it’s good for preventing infection due to cuts or scratches on your skin caused by sunburns. Mix together equal parts raw honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice into a thick paste (half cup each works well) until they are mixed thoroughly. Apply this mixture liberally over any areas where there was direct contact with sunlight.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is another great natural way to treat sunburns. Which also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help regenerate damaged skin cells. You can find it in most grocery stores and typically they have individual packets of the gel inside a sealed bag or container. Open up an aloe vera packet and apply it liberally over any areas where there was direct contact with sunlight. To use, simply apply a small amount directly to your burns or blisters.

Keep in mind that you should never substitute aloe vera juice as it does not have anywhere near the same effectiveness! You may need to reapply this every hour or so until morning since the gel will eventually dry up on its own but make sure not to sleep with it on because again, doing so could increase sensitivity levels from sleeping in an irritated state during healing time periods.


Treating sunburn with water can also be helpful. Fill up a sink or tub with cold water and submerge the affected area underwater for ten minutes at a time. You may need to do this several times throughout the day, but it is good to remember that you are helping your body cool off which will lessen any pain!

If possible, try using ice cubes in place of plain tap water – just make sure not to use too much because you don’t want the skin becoming too numb since feeling what’s happening on your skin (and knowing when it has cooled down) is important so we know how well our treatment methods are working. Remember: if we don’t feel anything then we might end up burning ourselves again!

A Fan

If you don’t have an air conditioner then using a fan is the next best thing! A ceiling or table-mounted one will work just fine, but make sure it has some power behind it to circulate air properly so that cool breezes are hitting your skin in waves and constantly cooling down the affected area.

This might sound counterintuitive since we want our body temperature to go up when we’re burning from being outside for too long, but this device adds enough of an extra chill factor into the mix which helps us heal faster and take care of ourselves better without feeling any more pain than necessary!

A Cool Treat

Treating sunburns with cool food can also work. This can be done by eating frozen fruit (such as banana slices, strawberries, or blueberries) every few hours to help keep the body temperature down and maintain some of our water intakes so we don’t dehydrate too quickly from all that sweat!

It’s important not to eat anything warm because it will raise your internal body heat which is what caused this pain in the first place – now you’re just adding insult to injury and making yourself feel even worse! Drink plenty of ice-cold juice while doing this though since it helps balance out any other foods being eaten.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great option for alleviating sunburn pain. It may also help with itching, peeling, and drying out of your skin from sunburn. To use baking soda, mix one part baking powder with two parts water until it becomes paste-like. Apply this mixture directly to the area where you have been burned or on top of blisters if they form as well – don’t apply inside your nose!

Leave on for 15 minutes before washing off with cold or lukewarm water. If you are using plain baking soda without mixing in any other ingredients (such as cornstarch) then do not leave it on for more than five minutes since there are no additional moisturizing properties added by adding another ingredient like corn starch.

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is a great natural way to treat sunburns because of its skin-soothing properties. Coconut oil can not only soothe redness but also has antibacterial properties that fight infection and promote healing for burns. It’s recommended to use coconut oil on minor burns or mild cases of sunburn when no blisters are present in order to avoid infection.

The best thing about the application of this remedy is that you don’t have to keep applying it! Treat your burn once with coconut oil, and then let the relief do its work while you rest up under cool sheets (or at least put some ice packs on).


For minor sunburns, vinegar can be used as a quick fix. This method is best for mild cases of redness or irritation. To use this remedy on your skin, apply it to the affected area with a clean cloth and let it soak in while you relax (using ice packs if desired). Vinegar works by relieving itchiness and inflammation due to its acidity.

But don’t overdo it! Treating burns with vinegar more than once per day may lead to dryness or irritation that could make the condition worse instead of better. You’ll know when your treatment should stop because the burn will appear less irritated after one application – but remember: acetic acid might irritate wounds without blisters so avoid it if your burn has developed to this stage.


Many people don’t know that petroleum jelly can also be used as a natural remedy for sunburns! Vaseline’s moisturizing properties soothe skin and fight inflammation, and it doesn’t contain any oils or chemicals that could complicate the healing process as some other remedies do. Treating burns with vaseline is best when blisters have formed because the cream won’t come in contact with sensitive areas of skin.

To use this treatment method on your body, simply apply thick layers of petroleum jelly over all affected areas until you’re covered from head to toe. Keep applying at least twice per day until symptoms are gone and keep in mind that you may need to use it for up to two weeks before symptoms disappear.


Treating sunburns with natural remedies can be a good choice, but always remember: if your burn is serious or exhibiting signs of infection (e.g., excessive swelling, increased pain), seek professional medical assistance instead! Treating burns isn’t something that should be taken lightly – so ensure safety and consult a doctor as needed. Lastly, never underestimate the power of avoidance when protecting your skin from harmful UV rays in the future! Apply sunscreen every time you go outside this summer and try not to stay out too long without covering up fully; these are both great ways to protect yourself during the hot months ahead.